TRAPPE PA – Afraid of speaking in public? Experts at The Mayo Clinic and elsewhere say you’re not alone. Health organizations estimate up to 75 percent of the U.S. population has the same worry. There’s good news, however: that fear, known as glossophobia, can be cured.
All it may take is a group of friends, whose next meetings are scheduled for March 27 and April 10 (both Thursdays) from 7-9 p.m. at St. Luke’s United Church of Christ, 200 W. Main St.
The Collegeville chapter of Toastmasters International is one of more than 14,000 clubs, across 150 countries, that can help make you comfortable with public speaking. Member Beth Coale describes its twice-monthly gatherings as a way to “kick anxiety to the curb in a fun, supportive environment filled with laughter (and) learning.”
Toastmasters in 2024 observed its 100th anniversary of assisting those battling glossophobia. The Collegeville chapter was founded in 2015, and grown its membership during the past 10 years.
“The club runs like a well-oiled machine, but without the stiffness of a corporate boardroom,” Coale happily reports. She adds that guests are warmly welcomed, and meeting nights unfold with prepared speeches, constructive feedback, and “Table Topics.” It’s billed as a lively, impromptu speaking challenge “that keeps everyone on their toes, and occasionally in stitches.”
Other structured programs, as well as club officers, are available and ready to guide members toward speaking success. “Exploring the club as a guest,” they say, “is absolutely free, (with) no commitment (and) no pressure, just a friendly space to take that first step toward confidence.”
Those interested in learning more can contact the club using an online form at its website, or visit its Meetup page online.
If you’re a spur-of-the-moment decider, feel free to walk into a meeting on a scheduled night (the second and fourth Thursdays of every month, starting at 7 p.m.) just a few minutes ahead of time, at the church. Then, the club says “take a deep breath, grab a seat, and prepare to conquer your inner glossophobia … one word at a time.”
Photo by A.C. on Unsplash+, used by Travels With The Post under license