POTTSTOWN PA – Spring and summer program schedules for youths and adults were announced Tuesday (Feb. 4, 2025) by Pottsgrove Recreation. It provides fun- and fitness-oriented activities sponsored by Lower, Upper, and West Pottsgrove townships, and the Pottsgrove School District, for their residents.
The organization’s director, Pam Ball, reports its planned activities include adult volleyball, country line dancing, youth basketball, making music, a walk club, swimming lessons, and the return of its highly popular summer playground.
Top photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash,
used by Travels With The Post under license
Here’s the coming line-up:
Adult recreational volleyball continues with its spring session on Tuesday nights from March 4 through May 27 between 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. in the gymnasium of Ringing Rocks Elementary School, 1401 Kauffman Rd. Participants are invited to play for fun and exercise. Volleyball is canceled when the gym is unavailable, or the school is closed.
Country line dancing returns Wednesday nights from March 12 through May 28 (although no class will be held April 23), with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. in Lower Pottsgrove Elementary School, 1329 Buchert Rd. Sessions run from 7-8:15 p.m. Prospective dancers are encouraged to “come on out, have fun with others, and learn some new steps together.”
Youth basketball classes for those age 3-5 years are set on Mondays from April 7 to June 2 between 6:30 and 7 p.m. in West Pottsgrove Elementary School, 25 Grosstown Rd., Stowe. For those age 6-9 years, classes also will be held Mondays from April 7 to June 2, but at 7:15-8 p.m., again in West Pottsgrove Elementary. No experience is needed and all levels are welcome. Children should wear comfortable gym clothing and shoes, and bring a water bottle.
There’s More During March, April, and May
Pottsgrove’s Community Band “is a community outreach organization.” Its members perform at area nursing homes, assisted living centers, retirement communities, and park and recreation facilities. All musicians are welcome to participate. The band rehearses one day a week throughout the year. It meets Monday nights at 7 p.m. through May 19. Practice is canceled on days the school is closed.

The “No Excuses Walk Club” will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning April 1 from 6-8 p.m. at Pennypacker Field on School Lane behind Pottsgrove High School. It’s open to anyone who would like to start walking. Advance registration is recommended but not required. Its fee helps cover program costs, and new members receive a club T-shirt. A stadium track key is available, at a small additional cost, for those who want to walk on other days or times.
Winter swimming lesson sessions for children ages 3-15; for parents accompanying children younger than age 3; and for adults only will run from March 3 to April 19. All cost a single fee of $85.
- Youth classes are offered as seven-week lesson plans, and are available at the Pottstown YMCA on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings, or Saturday mornings at varied times.
- Parents and young child classes are available Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, also at varied times.
- Adults-only classes (age 16 and older) are scheduled for Thursdays at 5:15 p.m.
Summer’s Highlight: The Playground
The summer playground, set for June 16 to July 18, has 44 children already registered from across all grades. Those registered by March 15 will pay only $300 for the entire five-week period. The price includes all activities, field trips, water ice, pool days, and pretzels.
Field trips are planned, too: to the Schuykill River Greenways, animals at Swartz Farm, painting with Kim, the Challenger Learning Center, Pottstown Childrens’ Discovery Center, and the West Pottsgrove Olde Timer’s Park.
For more information, or to register for a class, see the Pottsgrove Recreation online registration page, send an e-mail to director@pottsgroverec.com, or call its 1301 Kauffman Rd. office at 484-624-2507.